Importance Of The Three Pillars Of Sikhism
Sikhism is considered to be one of the most loving and giving religions in the world. Guru Nanak Dev Ji formalized the three pillars of Sikhism as follows:
- Naam Japo which means remembering God or focusing on him
The very first pillar of Sikhism is Naam Japo. Guru Nanak Dev Ji led the Sikhs to practice Simran, which literally translates to chanting and reciting God’s or Waheguru’s name. A Sikh, therefore, recites the Nitnem Banis on a daily basis in remembrance of the grace of the Almighty.
- Kirat Karo which means honest living
Furthermore, the Guru asked the Sikhs to practice Kirat Karo and live as householders. He also asked them to earn honestly with hard work and through one’s mental as well as physical effort. This also means accepting the blessings and gifts of God. In addition to that, one must be honest at all times, speak the truth, and fear only God. Sikh devotees must also live a life of high moral values, spirituality, and decency.
- Vand Shako meaning sharing with others
Finally, Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked the Sikhs to share their wealth and prosperity within the community by way of practicing Vand Shakko, which means sharing and consuming together. Sadh Sangat or the community is, therefore, one of the most vital parts of Sikhism. Sikh devotees must participate in the community that pursues all the values that have been set by the Sikh Gurus. All Sikhs must give back to the community in whatever way possible. This spirit of giving back to society is another one of the important messages of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The Guru, with these three values, knew that people could achieve material happiness and spiritual elevation in the world. Honoring these three pillars of Sikhism, Sikhs across the globe have a popular tradition of Langar. Let us check out what it is about!
Langar is free, blessed, vegetarian food provided in Sikh Gurdwaras. It is open to all people, whether they are Sikhs or not. The word “Langar” is used in Sikhism from two perspectives. In the Sikh scripture, the word has been taken from a formless point of view, but generally, “kitchen” is called Langar, where any person of any caste, any religion, and any post can sit together. It can erase your body’s hunger or thirst for water. The same word is taken in the formless approach, according to which any living soul or man can understand the hunger of knowledge of his soul to save the world. The hunger to learn can be eradicated from any Gurmukh by listening/understanding the ideology of Gurmat. In the Sikh scriptures, the word anchor has been used by Sri Satta Doom and Shri Balwant Rai in their speech. One of the major teachings of Sikhism is “Vand Shako”. The practice of Langar is its practical form.
The Langar system started around the 15th century. While staying with Bala-Mardana, Guru Nanak Dev Ji used to sit and eat on the ground wherever he went. He gave priority to his workability by rising above the lower caste. It is known that he used to sit on the ground and dine with his companions and devotees to end the growing superstition, orthodoxy as well as casteism of the time.
The method of preparing Langar is very simple and pure. Women play an essential role in this process and all recipes and expense of Langar cooking are kept simple and prepared whilst chanting God’s name..
It cannot be disputed that the Langar system is the foundation of unity in Sikhism and a great example of the three pillars of the religion.